music dumper

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Last Raya Aidiladha eve, when I was with my cousins Suraya and Hamzah stalking Hamzah's blog :P, (stalk dpn org :P. well, kita kenalah jujur kn)  Sakinah saw a mouse that ran under her chair. She told us there was a mouse and suddenly the whole room(which was filled with kids and teenagers) turned into a chaos. Amrul purposely said the mouse was her! and then there! and then the whole room screamed and tried to run.

I said enough and they stopped. We tried to shoo the mouse out of the room becuause we were afraid that it would bite us when we were asleep. It was dark-coloured and I think it's about as long as your hand.(p/s:not arm okay.)

The children told the adults but they ignored us so we took our own initiatives and took a broom to shove it out. It was under the bed at the moment. Hamzah tried to shove it out but then he shoved to hard so the broom slided under the bed no one was brave enough to take it out. I tried but I didn't know how to get it out. Lastly, we set up a mouse trap. And then, went to perform the prayer.

Next, I tried to take out the broom out again and successed. Then,  Pak Cik Din came to the rescue. He managed to get the mouse out but it ran to the back of a cupboard and dissapeared. My mum said it went to the roof and she said the mice must've made a hole behind the cupboard as a shortcut to get there.

Well, then I think that's all.

People in the 'mission'

If somebody is not listed. Sorry. :P

Yours Truly,
Mizz Bubblez

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